Author: Mr. Mohd Redzuan Zamberi K.B,P.A

Isn't the name strange? "Pang Pang Piaw?" "Is it Chinese?"
This is the sound of a ping pong game. I will share a communication technique based on my experience. I have practiced this method many times and it has proven to be effective.

This method is taken from the science of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which is Pace-pace-lead. Even in this kind of communication, if we understand the uniqueness of humans, we can influence them, so we can subjugate them without realizing it.

I was greatly influenced by a book titled "How To Win Friends And Influence People" written by Dale Carnegie. In the game of table tennis, when we play rally that is casually it is called "Pang Technique." When we start the first pass of the ball to the opponent, our opponent responds calmly to play for a long time, this is also called the second "Pang Technique".

In communication it is like a situation where we do not subjugate the opponent, do not embarrass the opponent. We are in a win-win situation.

How long? Only two words, Two Praises to the opponent, that's why I named PANG PANG.

PANG 1 = Praise 1
PANG 2 = Praise 2

Every human being like I told at the beginning of the introduction about humans like to be special or what makes them special is 'Praise'.

No matter how high the rank, from the upper level to the lower level, everyone loves praise. It is like a nature and a standard that is suitable for all groups. Just be careful with over-the-top compliments or false compliments. So do your research first and do a little research to praise.

Usually a leader knows the good character of his staff.

The same goes for married couples who want to use this communication technique. Each must know the good of the partner. So use that fact to sincerely praise.

An example I can give here is that a Head (Boss) or Leader wants to reprimand his staff who often come late to the office.


PANG : "Mat.. forgive me.. I see you are a person liked by other staff. You seem to have attraction and a positive aura for people to like. When Mat is at the office, the office friends are happy, laughing... the office atmosphere is cheerful when Mat is there. When I'm on holiday, I see the atmosphere of the office gloomy and lonely."

It means that in communication we use comfort techniques to the recipient during communication. In this situation there is no tense atmosphere or conflict.

The recipient likes when the game "rallys", in communication we give the recipient time to calm down to prepare before we convey the real meaning.

After that just enter the "PIAW" chapter. Piaw is a smash pass to the opponent where to kill the opponent's pass to get points. After the rally game takes place which is Pang Pang, then Piaw so that we get victory points.

In communication, it's enough to simply Pang Pang Piaw, that is, praise, praise, rebuke. Praise twice then scold once. Enough of that. It's not a long game until the opponent ends up arguing or misunderstanding each other. This piaw, which is a warning, needs to have the right skills. This sign will determine whether the recipient will accept well or a conflict will occur, i.e. the recipient will be angry and protest. My experience is that if you use the right piaw, it will create a harmonious atmosphere and after that the relationship will be even closer. How to use the correct chiding technique?

If in the earlier situation a leader wanted to reprimand his staff named "Mat" who often came late to the office. Piaw's focus is to improve his attendance, not mocking himself and not comparing with other staff who came early. The purpose of Piaw is to improve in order to be better than the previous act with positive sentences instead of negative sentences such as sarcasm or bringing up the past.

If this piaw technique is wrong, it will make the recipient feel irritated, angry, disagree and start using piaw against the reprimand. Eventually communication becomes a conflict. I give an example to make it easy to understand.

The correct PIAW: "Mat, I just want to say one thing. I like everything about you, but if you can come to the office early before 8 am I would like it."

Which one of these two sentences is better? Both are good but the second sentence is better because no evaluation occurs after the main fact. The main fact is to GET TO THE OFFICE EARLY BEFORE 8 AM. This message is clear and understandable to receive. Conflict will arise if the message is not delivered accurately, does not drag, does not sneer, does not praise oneself to feel better than the person being reprimanded and does not compare the person being reprimanded with others.

An example of Piaw that is not accurate.

PIAW : "Mat.. may I know why you are late? You know you were late 10 times last month. Even this month it's too late for me to take action on you!"

In psychology no one is perfect. Today we are right, tomorrow we will be wrong

Date of Input: 31/05/2023 | Updated: 31/05/2023 | ayna


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